design assist sessions

What is a Design Assist Session? 

Offered once a month on Fridays, these 90-minute design sessions are a drop-in rate for design services. Consider these office-hours with two interior designers ready to jump into your project wherever you need assistance and work for two hours alongside you in order to move your project along, gain clarity, hone in the design, and guide your process. Whatever your project needs are, we custom-tailor the session to meet you where you are.

Who is a Design Assist Session for? 

  • someone who’s stuck on a design challenge–say mid-build on a remodel project and needing second opinions on install / materials–and needs an interior designer eye on the project to gain clarity in order to move forward

  • someone who isn’t quite ready to hire an interior designer, but has some design ideas

  • returning clients who have ongoing smaller projects

  • Someone who wishes they had a designer-friend to pick their brain in order to get quick and efficient feedback on design direction, material selection, sourcing, color selection, etc.

  • Prospective clients who wish to work together for a couple hours to see if we are a good fit for your project

  • Someone looking to start a remodel or build and wants design input in the plans stage 

  • Someone looking for second opinions on specific elements of their project (i.e. cabinetry, floor plan layout, lighting plan, etc)

  • Someone with a smaller design project or idea who wouldn’t necessarily consider hiring a designer to implement it

Design Assist Session Rate
$500 for a 90-minute session. You can book one session, or as many sessions as you’d like to carry you through your project! These are like office hours or drop-in design that offers flexibility and ease. 

Where will the session occur?
We typically hold meetings at our San Luis Obispo office, in-person, however, we can meet via Zoom/FaceTime as well. If there are special meeting location requests, feel free to reach out. 

When You Arrive
We will greet you at the front door. For security reasons, the front door stays locked, so if you arrive early, please give us a few minutes to come and let you in at the time of our session.

Should I bring anything for my session?
We request that you email us links to Pinterest boards/inspiration you are working from, and images of the project in advance so we can prepare efficiently for our meeting. Please bring to the meeting any plans, CAD drawings, samples you have, and your computer/notebook to take notes. We will provide you with a debrief of our session via email within 24-48 hours of our meeting for your records.